Sunday, November 7, 2010

Course Contract 2

Course Contract Two...

1. I think that my attendance has been great (which is usually a struggle for me). I have started to do my study guides early; it's nice to have them all done. It has freed me up to work on my assessment inventory and to study more. I have finally started my field work so I am able to now start to work on my FRJ's. I have planned it out and I am going to do 1 per day of classes that I have left in the semester.

2. I haven't started my FRJ's. This worries me because it seems to be a big project due at the end. I need to get going on those. My field work had been on hold, but I started last week and I am going next week for two whole days.

3. On my goals that I have set from the beginning. I was feeling like I was drowning when I was working on the assessment inventory. But since I turned in our first copy I have caught up on ALL of the study guides so that I can focus on doing the FRJ and studying for my tests. It is nice since the big thing left is the FRJ. I have also really enjoyed my field work. I love the teacher that I got placed with. I have also learned SO much from her and from being back in the classroom. This has been a way better experience then it was last semester.

4. I need to finish my field work next week. I have set a FRJ entry to be done every Tuesday and Thursday. I need to not put off my FRJ anymore and I need to start working on them.

5. My motivation for the class was really struggling there for a while when I was working on my Assessment Inventory. But I have been away from it for a week and a half and I feel like I am ready to look at it and get it polished up. I also feel like I have been focusing on getting my work for this class done early so that I am not trying to do it last minute. I also want to get my FRJ done early because I have three big research papers due for my other classes the week before finals and I do not want to be doing those and trying to do this at the same time. I have put it off since I haven't been doing my field work but now that I have started that I am ready to get it done. I think that my approach has been set with a mastery goal approach. I have not always achieved it and there have been times that I have been more performance goal oriented but over all I have been more mastery oriented.

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